Fitted leather sheath for 4" and 5" Gingher scissors.
2 Reviews
Good quality, keeps them safe.
I got these for my Gingher 4.5 inch thread snippers, They are they best scissors ive ever used but always felt them to naked, exposed, and slightly dangerous, as they stay open all the time when at rest, and are very sharp and scary if they get knocked off the table. This sheath keeps em safe, looking good, and I just feel better keeping them inside the sheath when not in use. Honestly, I'm rather surprised that this does NOT come with the snippers. For such a premium scissor, this should absolutely be included with the snippers. Bonus, the impressed font of the name is a nice touch. Makes me think of heavy metal bands. Always makes me smile.
It works perfectly for my scissors. I like that the brand name is on the sheath.